How do I cancel a direct debit?
You can cancel a direct debit online up to 8.20pm (UK time) on the day the payment is due to be taken from your account.
Before you cancel a direct debit you should usually let the payee know that you're about to do this.
Your balance might not look as you would expect when cancelling a direct debit. Visit When can I cancel a direct debit? for some examples.
Cancelling a direct debit using your mobile banking app
- Login to your Mobile Banking app
- Tap ‘Payments’ on the bottom of the home screen
- Make sure the account displayed is set to the account where the direct debit is paid from. You can swipe to change accounts or tap 'Change account'.
- Tap ‘Regular payments’
- Tap ‘Direct debits’
- Tap on the direct debit you wish to cancel
- Tap ‘Cancel Direct debit’
Cancelling a direct debit online
- Log in to your Anytime Internet Banking service at (opens in a new window)
- Select 'Payments & transfers' from the main menu.
- From the 'Direct debits' section select 'Manage direct debits'.
- Select the appropriate direct debit from your direct debits list then select 'Cancel direct debit' and follow the instructions on screen.
It may take up to 24 hours for the balance of your account to be adjusted.
If you cancel your direct debit at or after 8.20pm (UK time) on the day the payment is due, future payments will have been cancelled. However the payment due on that day will already have been taken and we will not have been able to retrieve it.