On this page
Caring for someone that needs additional help?
Learn more about the support available, information on Powers of Attorney and Third Party access. It's important to be clear about your role and if you're caring for someone, it's a good idea to let their doctor know.
Help if you're self-isolating
Vulnerable customers helpline
Call us to find out what additional services we can offer vulnerable customers who are self-isolating, such as having cash delivered at home, letting a friend or relative withdraw money at a cash machine.
Call us on 0800 092 4238
Lines are open 8am-8pm every day

Banking from home
During this time we want to make it as easy as possible for you to manage and look after your money. Find out how we can help you with online and mobile banking, with helpful videos and step by step guides to get you started.
Power of Attorney
If you're caring for a vulnerable relative, you're most likely dealing with their financial affairs too. A Power of Attorney is a document that allows someone to appoint a person or organisation to manage their affairs if they become unable to do so and can help avoid confusion later on.

An attorney should be someone highly trustworthy; for most people that's a family member or a close friend.
A Power of Attorney needs to be arranged while someone is still capable of making their own decisions in order to grant it.
You can find more information about arranging for a Power of Attorney.
You'll need to register a Power of Attorney with us, find out which ones we accept below.
Which Powers of Attorney do we accept?
Other ways of managing someone's affairs
To register a Power of Attorney with Ulster Bank we require a Power of Attorney document that deals with the financial and property affairs of the customer. This can cover selling their home, paying the mortgage and bills and making investments.
There are several different types of Power of Attorney and it is important you use the correct one for your circumstances. When deciding which type will work for you, read the information on the different types of Power of Attorney, via the Office of Care and Protection website.
Ulster Bank only accepts Power of Attorney documents governed by Northern Irish law.
Register a Power of Attorney
Organisations that can offer support
To register a Power of Attorney with us, you will need to complete a form to add the Power of Attorney to the account. You can do this at any branch.
Please bring with you the original copy of the full Power of Attorney document or a copy certified by a solicitor. Please be aware that some Power of Attorney documents contain certificates which we will also need to view. Please make sure that the solicitor hands across all parts of the document.
We will need to see 2 forms of identification. Please refer to our list of acceptable identification.
Ulster Bank branch locator
Find your nearest branch using our branch locator.

Giving someone access to your bank accounts
Sometimes you might need help managing your bank accounts - you can do this by putting in place a third-party mandate to allow another person to access your accounts. When this mandate is in place the third party can:
- Close accounts for the customer.
- Have a debit card, cheque book and paying in book on the account.
- Set up telephone and online banking.
- Arrange and cancel payments on the account.
Other ways of managing someone's affairs
If there's no Power of Attorney in place, you can apply to the Office of Care and Protection to be made a 'controller'. This will allow you to manage their affairs under the supervision of the court who will make sure you act in that person's best interests.
The Office of Care and Protection makes decisions on financial or welfare matters for people who don't have the mental capacity to do so. They can:
- Decide if someone has the capacity to make decisions for themselves.
- Appoint deputies where the person lacks mental capacity.
- Give you permission to make one-off decisions for someone who lacks mental capacity.
Organisations that can offer support
Make the most of extra support available to help you care more effectively. The local authority of the person you care for may be able to help with this, you can find their details on the nidirect.gov.uk website. Other organisations will also be able to help.
A guide to social care
Information on Government services and allowances for carers
Expert advice, information and support
Advice on paying for the cost of care and managing money