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Living abroad?
If you are living abroad and wish to complete a PPI complaint form, please see our FAQs for further important information.

How to complain
PPI Exceptional Circumstance and Rejected Insurance Claim Complaints
Generally, if you didn’t make a complaint to your provider on or before 29 August 2019, you can no longer claim money back for PPI.
However, you may be able to complain after the deadline if:
- There is a significant reason or exceptional circumstance as to why you couldn’t complain within the time limit, or;
- You are now unhappy with the sale of PPI as a result of an insurance claim on the policy being rejected.
For further information, the Financial Ombudsman Service has more on this on their website.
If your complaint about the sale of the policy is in regards to a rejected insurance claim or you feel you have a significant reason or exceptional circumstance as to why you couldn’t complain prior to this deadline, there are complaint forms you can use.
The forms can be located via our general complaints form
The forms will ask you for the following details:
- Your full name
- Your date of birth
- Your phone number
- Your current address
- Additional, but non-essential, information about your policy and circumstances at the time you bought PPI
We may seek additional information from you once we have reviewed your initial complaint.

Do you have any accessibility needs?
If you are making a complaint or query about your PPI, we want to ensure we make this process as easy as possible for you. If you are experiencing any difficult personal circumstances or have any specific needs such as letters in large print or braille, or translation services, then please let us know.
Improving accessibility for our customers
Please be assured that neither your relationship with the bank or your credit score will be affected by complaining about PPI.
Translation Services
We offer comprehensive translation services in conjunction with our language partner, thebigword. We can provide translation into over 250 languages, ensuring your PPI claim is processed accurately and without delay. We have a dedicated team of linguists and account managers on hand, utilising the latest secure technology to support you with your enquiry/complaint.
Telephone Interpreting
Should you require immediate support, we work with thebigword to provide telephone interpreting, which is available around the clock, every day of the year. To ensure your enquiry/complaint is dealt with effectively, we can connect you with a native speaker to discuss your PPI claim in your own language in a matter of minutes.
If you have any questions about these services, please contact 0800 015 0319, and we will be happy to help.
Visual Adjustments
If the text on our website is too large or too small, we have a step-by-step guide on how to adjust this according to your needs.
How to adjust the text size on our site
As the coronavirus outbreak continues, we all face the difficult challenge of responding to the impact it is having on our lives. We are here to support you through these uncertain times.
For more information about this and other useful guidance, please visit our coronavirus (COVID-19) support page.

What to do if you aren’t happy with your final response
If you still aren’t satisfied after contacting us about your issue, you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
You can still complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service after the 29 August 2019 deadline if:
- You complained to us on or before 29 August 2019
- We gave you our final response on or after the 29 August 2019
You will need to submit your complaint within 6 months of receiving your final response.
General questions about PPI complaints

Information about Claims Management Companies (CMCs)
You don't need to use a Claims Management Company (CMC). Please contact us directly - we handle complaints in the same way, within the same timeframe and without charging any fees. Making a complaint about PPI or PPI commission won't affect your relationship with us.