Explore our Foundation bank account
Additional features
Our simple, everyday bank account, with no monthly fee
This is our basic bank account, which comes with all the essential features for your day-to-day banking. No monthly fee.
To apply you need to be 18+ and a UK resident.
Our other current accounts
We offer multiple other accounts, including accounts designed for children, teenagers and students, and also accounts which offer existing customers additional benefits.
Ukrainian refugee account opening
We have created a dedicated page which has all the support you need to open your account with us. The page is also available in Ukrainian and Russian and has useful information to support refugees.
I already have a Ukrainian refugee account
If you have already opened a Ukrainian refugee account, below are translations of your additional welcome message.
Please click the below link to read your additional welcome message in Ukrainian.
Для ознайомлення із цим листом українською мовою натисніть сюди (PDF, 72KB)
Please click the below link to read your additional welcome message in Russian.
Нажмите здесь для прочтения данного сообщения э/почты на русском языке (PDF, 71KB)