What’s persistent debt?
Persistent credit card debt, also known as long term credit card debt, applies when you’ve paid more in interest, fees and charges than you’ve paid back on the amount you’ve borrowed over an 18 month period.
We are taking steps to support our customers to pay more towards their credit card balance and manage their finances better. This reflects the rules that have been introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) with the aim of helping customers avoid long term credit card debt.
First letter
If you’ve been in persistent debt for 18 months we'll write to you to let you know. We’ll encourage you to increase your repayments, if you can afford to. Paying more than the minimum will help you pay down your balance quicker, pay less interest and save money.
9 months later
If you’re still paying more in interest, fees and charges than towards your balance we’ll write to you again to encourage you to increase what you pay each month if you can afford to.
18 months later
If you are still in persistent debt, we’ll write to you with some options to help you repay your balance over a reasonable period. This may result in suspending and closing your card to support you in repaying the balance quicker.

How much do I need to increase my payments by?
Just paying a small additional amount if you can afford to can make a big difference - whether that’s making a one-off payment when you can or paying a bit more than the minimum amount each month.
As a guide to a monthly amount that will help you avoid holding long term debt on your card, we have added a personalised payment amount into your statement. It can be found in the message area just below your transactions. We refer to this amount as Minimum Payment Plus.
If you can afford to pay the Minimum Payment Plus amount each month then it may be helpful to pay at least this amount instead of paying only the minimum. Please remember it will vary based on your balance and spend each month.
Alternatively, if you prefer to stop spending on your credit card to pay off your balance by fixing your repayments at the same amount each month, our calculator will help guide you on how long it is likely to take to pay off your balance, and will help show you how you can save money by increasing your payments.
If you’ve opted for paperless statements, you can find them on our mobile app and in Anytime Banking.
App available to personal and business banking customers aged 11+ using compatible iOS and Android devices and a UK or international mobile number in specific countries. Anytime Banking is available to customers aged 11+ with an eligible Ulster Bank Northern Ireland account.
Persistent Debt | Ulster Bank

How can I pay the Minimum Payment Plus?
Our Minimum Payment Plus Direct Debit can be used to collect the voluntary payment. If you’d like to find out more, contact us by phone on 0345 030 3574 or Relay UK on 18001 0345 030 3574 and we’ll help you. It’s important to make sure you can afford to increase your payments, especially as the amount can vary month to month. Please check your statement for the latest Minimum Payment Plus repayment amount.
If you don’t pay via Direct Debit, you can still pay the Minimum Payment Plus amount shown on your statement;
- Via the app,
- In Anytime Banking, or
- Over the phone.
It's important you read this
1. Please remember this calculation is just a guide and is for illustrative purposes only. This calculation is based on information you have provided.
2. The minimum payment used in the calculation is based on 1% of the credit card balance, plus interest (your minimum payment may differ to this depending on the credit card product you hold). Please refer to your latest credit card statement for your actual minimum payment. The calculations are based on no additional spend on the card.
3. It excludes: any transactions that attract different interest rates to the interest rate you have submitted, any additional purchases or additional fees incurred and any annual fees you pay.
4. We will apply any payments you make in the order explained in your terms and conditions.
5. Your minimum monthly repayments will change each month. This is because your balance will change with every payment/transaction you make.
6. Remember If you only pay the minimum amount each month it takes longer and costs more to clear your balance.

What if I can’t pay more?
If you can’t afford to increase your payments, let us know as soon as possible. We can help you find an affordable way to pay it back if you are struggling financially
For free, independent advice, you can also contact: