
Could you improve your digital customer experience strategy?

Our customer experience specialist speaks candidly about what works – and what doesn’t. 

Three takeaways to calm the fears of your reluctant digital customers

1) Education – providing educational resources and materials to help customers understand how to use the new digital features or platform effectively. Create demos and online guides that walk users through the changes step by step, empowering them to navigate the digital experience with confidence.

2) Security – communicate transparently about the security measures in place to protect financial information and transactions, highlighting the fraud detection and other security tools to reassure customers.

3) Assistance and support – ensure digital services are accessible, user-friendly and staff are available to provide any support when needed.

Security breaches and the threat of fraud when going online

According to the bank’s research, cyber security, feeling safe online and the fear of fraud are top of the list when it comes to digital anxiety. “Some customers don’t trust technology due to previously being a victim of fraud or knowing someone who has,” says Abul Kalam, customer experience and journey co-ordination manager at the bank. 

In a push to address these concerns, one of the most successful implementations within the banking sector has been biometric authentication, which is fingerprint and facial recognition tech. This enhances security for customers but also offers convenience.

A recent survey by Which? shows that this focus has paid off, ranking the bank top for online banking security.

Customers look for a well-designed platform, simplicity and speed

An easy journey keeps customers hooked and avoids friction where possible. Straightforward language, fast loading times and consistency are essential, as highlighted by digital analytics platform company ContentSquare in a recent report

Complicated navigation leads to frustration and a need to speak to someone over the phone or face-to-face. For larger businesses, the speed of transactions and the reliability of digital platforms for more complex payments or interaction is key.

A well-designed digital platform (and one that works on a phone) reduces the likelihood of errors and confusion, enhancing customers’ trust in the platform’s reliability and security. “When customers understand the measures in place to protect their data, they feel more confident in using the platform. So, the design of our digital platforms directly influences our customers’ perceptions of security,” says Abul.

“Having efficient technical support ensures that businesses can quickly resolve any issues they encounter.” When issues can’t be solved quickly, customers want to escalate and speak to a person or be kept updated on progress.

For customers who are new to digital experiences, a good design can minimise mistakes, but if they are able to speak to someone to resolve any problems that do occur, they become happier to explore. 

Chatbot implementation and digital innovation

A digital experience can still be a customer-centred one. Technology such as chatbots can enhance customer service but they aren’t always equipped to answer a broad range of queries. Customers often operate to tight deadlines; having efficient technical support ensures issues are resolved quickly.

There’s room for improvement as far as chatbots are concerned. “Integrating new technology like ‘Conversational Intelligence’ into chatbots will further enable real-time support, proactive personalised engagement and sentiment analysis, allowing us to analyse the emotions expressed by customers and tailoring responses accordingly,” points out Abul.

Digital channels can supplement face-to-face interactions by providing access to additional resources, information and support.

Assess data and upskill employees to track customers’ expectations

Build up confidence in your data. This can support decisions to send personalised communications to customers, educating them on the tools and products available to improve their experiences.

Upskill staff so that they can stay tuned to evolving customer expectations. If staff are capable, they can identify opportunities to talk to customers about digital solutions. 

Ensure face-to-face interactions are in place when necessary

Abul says that customers want someone to be on the other end of the phone to help resolve issues promptly – or keep them updated on progress.

Face-to-face interactions are better for addressing emotive issues because it’s a lot easier to build trust and empathy, leading to a better understanding with customers. Customers often have complex needs or issues so face-to face-interaction allows for in-depth discussions.

Live chat support is an example of how to create real-time, human-style interaction with customers, while locking in efficiency and convenience. As tech advances, this should improve and be enhanced with personalised messaging and video conferencing.

Real-life examples and case studies can illustrate how the changes can improve customers’ experiences and outcomes, while forums, networks and events, both online and offline, can help form a sense of community and a way to troubleshoot.

Find out more about Anytime Banking.

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