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Futurefit Farming: video series

Post Brexit, and with the impact of the pandemic still in full effect, Ulster Bank has taken a unique opportunity to look at the future of farming in the UK.

Futurefit Farming: mental health in agriculture

This week, Dougie talks about mental health issues in UK farming with four well-informed guests: Heather Wildman, MD of Saviour Associates; Chris McVey, Welfare Manager, RSABI; Jude McCann, CEO of the Farming Community Network; and Adam Mathison, a young farmer with John Grant Agricultural Services in Midlothian.

Futurefit Farming: co-operative farming

In this episode, Dougie discusses co-operative farming and other co-operative techniques affecting UK agriculture. His guests are Andy Macdonald, Head of Food and Farming (Scotland) at Savills; Laura Ryan, founder and Chair of Meat Business Women; and Tim Bailey, Chief Executive of the Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS).

Futurefit Farming: technology

In this episode, Dougie talks to four experts about technology and its current and future impact on UK agriculture. The guest experts are: Leia Kennedy and Dominic Gammon, founders of The Aquaponics Garden; Dave Ross, CEO of the Agri-EPI Centre; and Tim Byrne, Managing Director of AbacusBio International.

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