
PMI update

Today sees the release of February data from the Ulster Bank Northern Ireland PMI. Commenting on the latest survey findings, Richard Ramsey, chief economist Northern Ireland, Ulster Bank, said:

“The one real positive in the latest Ulster Bank NI PMI is that Northern Ireland businesses are more optimistic about business activity in 12 months’ time than they have been since the pandemic began.

“Whilst this is encouraging, it doesn’t change the fact that business conditions now are challenging to say the least.

“Northern Ireland was at the bottom of the UK regional table as far as output, orders and employment were concerned. Meanwhile it was ranked at the top when it comes to input costs and output price inflation.

“Manufacturing, services and retail all saw their rates of contraction in business activity accelerate in February, with services also recording faster rates of decline in new orders and employment levels.

“Significantly, Northern Ireland’s private sector saw input costs rise at their fastest pace since July 2008. Once again, shipping costs, raw materials and Brexit-related costs were cited as factors. Manufacturing was the sector that posted the highest rate of cost inflation, but it was evident in all sectors. Due to these costs, firms raised their own prices at the sharpest rate in the survey’s history (almost 19 years). The rates at which construction firms’ costs and prices are charged are also both rising at the fastest rates on record.

“Looking to the months ahead, whilst conditions will remain challenging for some time, confidence will likely continue to build as the vaccine rollout continues. But the key trigger for a recovery in some sectors, particularly retail and services, is going to be when the current restrictions are lifted.”

Download the full report

PMI Update March 2021 (PDF, 426KB)

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