Use social media channels
Having a page for your business on social media channels can help get your business content out to your customers.
Share updates
Share important information with your customers such as opening hours, new pick up or delivery services or special offers. Or simply let customers know what are your most popular products or services. Emails, social media and updates on your website are all good ways to share your news.
Answer questions
Let customers know that they can call, email or message you with questions or to place an order.
Post creative content
Keep your business front of mind with customers by posting content regularly. Consider ‘how-to’ videos or behind the scenes photos that show day-to-day business life. You can also show your customers new things that you’ve done to show you’re taking Covid-19 precautions seriously.
Learn more about your customers with Business Builder
Sign up to Business Builder for free digital learning modules. Use the customer development section to help you understand your key customer groups and what you can offer them.